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VPA Graffiti Wall
Our VPA graffiti wall has been meticulously spray-painted, radiating with vibrant colors and creativity! Now, this wall has become a stunning view in our campus, adding a touch of beauty and splendor.
Our recent flag-raising ceremonies have been taking place in front of this colorful artwork, adding vibrancy to every Monday morning! This graffiti wall fills our Monday morning with full of energy.
The design of the entire wall is based on lines, and upon closer observation, we can notice that these lines depict little figures engaged in various activities, just like children doing sports.
The side portion includes English words such as passion, onward, break tapes, and shatter records, inspiring children to strive bravely and enjoy sports on the field, and be risk-takers!
We look forward to children continuously pursuing excellence and surpassing themselves in their everyday PE classes and sporting events in the future!
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